
Patient Reminder Calling Service
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides call processing systems, software and services including voice broadcast services using our secure data center. These services and systems are ideally suited for providing patient reminders and notices.
Professional medical practices such as doctor's offices rely on appointment scheduling to keep an ongoing business. Patient appointments may be scheduled weeks or even months in advance.
Our automated patient reminder service can help your practice by reducing missed appointments, thus increasing your revenue. With our patient appointment phone reminder service, we can contact your patients or clients in a professional manner reminding them of their upcoming appointments and doctor's visits.
Patient Reminders Boost Immunization Rates
Patient reminders can help physicians improve immunization rates for their practice, according to a new review of studies.
All six of the reminder and recall systems tested including post cards, letters and phone calls resulted in better immunization coverage, the review finds.
The boost in immunization rates held true for both adults and children and across an array of clinical settings.
The review, which encompasses 43 patient-reminder studies, found immunization increases in the range of 1 to 20 percentage points.
- Health Behavior News Service
Pre-recorded messages can be played to either answering machines or to individuals informing them of upcoming appointments such as doctor or dental office visits. Different messages can be played to an answering machine versus an individual. Simple to complex scripts can be developed for touchphone response.
If a patient finds it necessary to cancel an appointment, the patient can be directed back to your staff members or can be transferred to outside third parties such as your office answering service.
Medication reminders can be sent to patients who need to take their medicines in a strictly prescribed fashion. Call reminders can be both prescription refill reminders as well as prescription reminders for patients to take their medicines.
Contact DSC to learn more about our voice broadcast outsourcing including our daily reminder services.
Register Online And Save!
DSC now provides an online signup for both non-profit and business organizations wishing to use our call reminder services. Signup is easy and free! Our competitive rates are affordable, even for the smallest calling campaign.
Start Calling In Just Minutes!. Using our new online signup lets you get started immediately with your calling campaign. Simply create an account and agree to our standard terms and conditions. Then download your list of phone numbers and record a message. We accept major credit cards and for as little as $25, you can begin calling. Its that simple!
Both emergency and non-emergency call reminder services can be provided by DSC.
To register online, click on the the online registration image or button on the right.
Other Appointment Reminder Services
Here are just a few of the other different types of automated appointment reminder services provided by DSC using our automated phone systems.
Medication Reminder Services
Database Systems Corp. provides individual subscription service for medication reminders. The following are informational web pages from the medication reminder website.
Contact Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our patient reminder calling services and phone systems.